UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced plans to increase defence spending to £2.51 trillion of GDP by 2027, in a bid to bolster the country's security as peace talks on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine progress. To fund the increase, Starmer has decided to cut the international aid budget, which will be reduced from £0.51 trillion of GDP to £0.31 trillion by 2027.
The announcement has sparked mixed reactions. While opposition parties have supported the increase in defense spending, donor agencies have condemned the decision to cut international aid as a “betrayal of the world’s most vulnerable people.”
The decision comes ahead of Sir Keir's crucial meeting with US President Donald Trump, where Trump is pushing European countries to invest more in their defence sectors. It reflects the UK's commitment to NATO defence goals, which also includes a long-term target of increasing defence spending to 31.3t of GDP after the next general election.
Charities such as Save the Children have expressed their dismay at the aid budget cuts, calling them detrimental to the world's most vulnerable communities. But Sir Keir defended his decision, claiming that investment in defence was vital as the UK currently faces "serious threats".