Nahmaduh wa nusalli wa nusallimu ala habibihil karim
O you who believe, enter into Islam completely (Surah: Al-Baqarah, Verse Sharif: 208). None of you will be able to enter Paradise or be saved from Hell except by the mercy of Allah Almighty (Meshkat Sharif, Hadith Sharif No. 2371).
Fasting is an essential religious pillar and an integral part of religious life for believers in achieving spiritual development, success, and protection from disaster. The root of fasting is the journey of love and seeking closeness to the Merciful Allah and His beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The main condition for all acts of prayer and fasting is the purity of the soul in faith. The purity of the soul in faith depends on being free from all kinds of false paths and, above all, on a heart based on love for the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Ramadan is not just a fast, but a reminder of the entire religion. The blessed Laylatul Qadr, the official revelation of the Messenger of Allah, the source of truth, through the revelation of the Holy Quran, and the official beginning of the religion, i.e. the dawn of truth and freedom, the great jihad of Badr to protect the religious life and the existence of humanity, and many other important issues and teachings are associated with Ramadan. That is why Ramadan is so blessed. All its issues and responsibilities must be understood along with Ramadan and fasting, otherwise fasting will not be successful and the goal of fasting will also be lost. Fasting in Ramadan is an important endeavor to achieve the goal of life and the goal of religion. The teachings of fasting reflect the overall trend and outline of the life of a believer. The entire life of a believer must be guided by the essence of fasting.
The inner meaning of fasting is to realize that life is for the sake of the Merciful Allah and His Great Beloved, peace and blessings be upon him. The lesson of fasting is to make any sacrifice necessary for the sake of the Merciful Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and for the sake of religion. To gain the strength that is urgently needed in the heart for the victory of life and to move forward towards the goal by moving steadily on the path of truth. One of the purposes of fasting is that the essence of fasting will be effective and reflected in life only when, be it greed, lust, temptation, pressure, fear, or any other obstacle, that is, anything contrary to the responsibilities and goals of life, nothing can stop the movement of life towards the truth and the goal of life, no evil force can seize or defeat life, life will not surrender to anything contrary to the truth, that is, life will move in the light of the holy word of faith at all times.
In Ramadan, the essence of all the blessings and fasting of the Merciful Allah and His Beloved Beloved, peace and blessings be upon him, has been reflected in the lives of the great and beloved Ahl al-Bayt, the great Caliphs and the accepted Companions; following whom the teachings were reflected by the Imams of truth, the great Jamiat al-Awliya al-Karam, the martyrs and the faithful Mujahideen, the bearers of truth, without whose teachings the goal of fasting cannot be achieved. The sacrifice of food and drink during fasting is only a symbol, the real lesson is to keep life free from everything contrary and to remain dynamic as the bearers of truth in any situation, in exchange for any sacrifice. The holy sacrifice is also another manifestation of this teaching.
In order to protect the flow of the soul, that is, the flow of truth and the outline of a universal human state system and an integral world system of free humanity under the guidance of the religion and the holy word of religion from the grip of evil forces, the great companions (may Allah be pleased with them) had to descend in the great jihad of Badr in the month of Ramadan. The great and acceptable companions are the measure of truth and the true outline of religion, their path is the Ahl al-Sunnah, their ideal is complete, they are our great mothers and fathers, as well as our parents, who have worked fully in all spiritual and political aspects of religion and life, and the merciful Allah Almighty and the great beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have declared their highest satisfaction upon them, above which there is no other dignity and height.
The highest reflection of all the occasions of Ramadan, namely the holy word of faith-the Holy Quran and the essence of fasting, has been through the teachings of the great martyrdom of the great beloved Imam Akbar (may Allah be pleased with him) and the great martyrdom of the great Ahl al-Bayt in Karbala. That day, they fasted on the tenth of Muharram, and three days before, the cursed infidel Yazid circle, the enemy of the holy word, had stopped the pre-dawn meal and even water. The condition of the Yazid circle was to accept the unjust, illegal, tribal, autocratic banditry that is against humanity in the holy word-religion-caliphate, or else martyrdom. Their fast was not just about abstaining from food and drink, but also to hold on to the holy word of faith-religion, that is, the truth, in any situation and not to accept the false, oppressive evil forces, even if it means martyrdom. Their fast was for the truth in this world, and their iftar was in the Hereafter, in Paradise, in the presence of the Merciful Allah and the beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
One of the teachings and directions of fasting is that human beings are above matter, and humans cannot be slaves to matter. Human beings cannot be materialistic, if they are materialistic, human beings are destroyed and the human soul is destroyed and poisoned in the darkness of lies. The human soul should only follow the divine message in the name of the only merciful Allah and thus develop into a true and believing being. Life should be led only in the path of truth, under the control of truth, under the control of knowledge, conscience and justice, and above all, under the control of the merciful Allah and His beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), towards the merciful Allah and the beloved Prophet.
Ramadan Mubarak and the beginning of the month of receiving the Holy Quran. In the holy Ramadan, the Holy Quran must be recited, but one should not fall prey to misinterpretation. The misinterpretation of books, tracts, and commentaries of various false sects is a faith-damaging misinterpretation. The merciful Allah Almighty Himself has forbidden the literal meaning of all the verses of the Holy Quran (Surah Al-Imran, verse-7). Therefore, in order to remain steadfast in the truth without losing faith, one must only follow the path of the great and holy Ahl al-Bayt, the great rightly guided Caliphs, the Imams of truth and the great saints, and the true and complete direction of the Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaat, in the correct direction of the era. There is also deception, distortion, imperfection and stupidity in the name of Ahle Sunnah or Sunnis, which one must be careful about.
All the blessed verses of the Holy Quran are verses of faith and are for believers only. If there is no faith, if there is no faith consciousness, faith knowledge and perspective, and if the true path or word is not included in the spiritual world of the Quran, it is not possible to understand even a single blessed verse of the Holy Quran. Except for the interpretation of faith, all other external lexical meanings are not guidance, and even the true meaning of the Holy Quran is not guidance. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty Himself has warned and said, many people will go astray through this Holy Quran, the source of truth, and many people will be guided, that is, many people will go astray by misinterpreting it contrary to faith, and many people will be guided, that is, through the interpretation of faith, many people will be guided, that is, through the interpretation of faith, many people will be guided, that is, through the interpretation of faith.
This great verse has been clearly resolved regarding the establishment of false sects, false jihads, false states in the name of Islam, and the spread of oppression, murder, terrorism, tyranny, barbarity, and brutality (Yadillu bihi kathirao wa yahdi bihi kathira). The Holy Quran is certainly the all-encompassing source of truth, justice, welfare, knowledge, science, the entire system of life, and overall salvation from Hell for all people in the world, but only on the basis of the Holy Hadith Sharif and through perfected believers; not in an impure, corrupt, and distorted way without faith.
Apart from the World Sunni Movement, at this moment in the world, there is no other pure, pure, complete and timely direction, practical path and program of faith-religion-holy word-great Karbala. There is no other direction and practical program for the Caliphate, i.e. the state and world system of all people and the world as a whole, without which life and humanity are denied, blocked and destroyed. The Sunni Movement has highlighted the correct and complete path of faith-religion at all levels of the soul-life-state-world and has highlighted its opposite path and the problems, crises and wrong destructive suicidal stages of history, which if not understood, the true stream of religion will be defeated and extinct, and life will be swallowed by darkness. At the same time, humanity alone has clearly and irrefutably outlined the outline of the life, existence, security, rights, freedom and development of all people, regardless of religion, race, language, tribe, ideology, and ownership of one's own life and the world. Without this, there is no alternative to freedom from the barbarity, banditry, and sectarian injustice that destroys life and humanity.
There is no way to protect and establish the true and complete stream of faith and religion except the global Sunni movement, and there is no way to protect and establish life and humanity except the humane state system and the world system. In establishing the Sunni movement of believers and establishing the humane state system and the world system with all people who believe in humanity, regardless of religion or race, lies the complete liberation from the clutches of the false and oppressive evil forces and the victory of truth and humanity, God willing. The victory of truth and humanity and the overthrow of lies and oppression are the goals of the Holy Word in the world, to which we believers are committed, and the joint progress of all of us in the complete program of truth and humanity is the way to implement this commitment.
If the soul is somehow separated from the root, the source of existence, the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and if it is materialistic rather than message-centered, the soul becomes dead, dark and impure, where prayer, fasting or any other act of worship is no longer useful. On the other hand, if one is not completely united with the religion, united in the aggression of falsehood against the religion and the crisis of the nation, and is not fully faithful to all aspects of the spiritual and political aspects of the religion, fasting becomes a betrayal of the religion in only one aspect.
Today, all over the world, in the guise of Islam, deceitful, false sects and in the name of religion, irreligious extremism and materialistic doctrines arising from atheism are plotting to separate the soul from the message of Tawheed and immerse it in false darkness. In contrast to the Khilafat-e-Insaniyat (authority of life & state & world of universal humanity) of free humanity in the outline of universal human natural state system of life and the world and human equality, an attempt is being made to completely destroy humanity by blocking the flow of truth and knowledge through a single-party authoritarian state system and world system that is destructive of humanity and by taking away all the rights, freedoms and security of life, and binding the entire humanity in the chains of slavery.
In such a situation, for the success of fasting, we must develop ourselves by purifying and freeing the soul and life from the darkness of all falsehood, the real goal of fasting, and dedicating our lives to the love and honor of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Ramadan is a lesson in being dedicated to the love and honor of the merciful Allah and His beloved beloved (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in exchange for any sacrifice and dedication, the outline of which is to advance the path of faith, religion, that is, truth and the liberation of humanity at any cost, without accepting any false, oppressive evil force under any circumstances, the highest example of which is the great martyrdom of Karabala.
The pursuit of establishing a humane society and state system based on the security, rights, freedom and dignity of all people, and in the crisis of religion, nation and humanity, our own faith responsibilities and the teachings of fasting are inseparable. Let us, the believing brothers and sisters, collectively move forward in the direction of faith and humanity in the true light of fasting, in the direction of truth and humanity, in the direction of building our lives and society and the world of truth and humanity.
Author: – Syed Allama Imam Hayat
(Founder: World Sunni Movement and World Humanity Revolution)