Every year, Muslims fast, abstaining from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. You'd be surprised to know what effect this fast has on the body!
The first few days are the hardest. Fasting does not take effect on the human body until eight hours have passed since the last meal. It takes at least eight hours for the food we eat to be completely digested and its nutrients to be absorbed. When this food is completely digested, our body tries to get energy from the glucose stored in the liver and muscles. When the body starts using this fat, it helps us lose weight.
It lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of diabetes. This is when the body actually feels the most hungry. Fasting is good for health because it increases the performance of the body.
After the first few days, as your body gets used to fasting, fat in your body starts to break down and turn into blood sugar. But since you can't eat or drink anything during the day while fasting, you definitely need to drink plenty of water after you break your fast to replace it. Otherwise, you could become severely dehydrated, especially if you sweat a lot on a hot day. And the food you eat should also contain enough energy-giving foods.
By the time you reach the 10th to 15th day of fasting, you will definitely feel that your body and mind are feeling better, because your body has started to adapt to fasting.
Since we are fasting during the fast, the body can focus on other tasks. Therefore, fasting is quite beneficial for the body. It can help the body heal wounds or prevent infections.
But between the 16th and 30th fasts, your body will fully adapt to the fast. Your digestive system, liver, kidneys, and skin will now go through a kind of change. All the impurities will come out from there and your body will become pure.
During this time, your body's organs will regain their full function. Your memory and attention will improve, and you will feel a lot of energy in your body.
Source: BBC Bangla