Author: Imam Hayat
Maruf Sarkar, reporter:
The promise of faith - The promise of life - The promise of this world - The promise of the grave - The promise of the resurrection - The promise of the hereafter - The promise of peace - The promise of good fortune - The promise of salvation - The promise of all the beauties of Hell - The promise of attaining Allah - The beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
Human life is about many things. The success or failure, good or bad outcome of this life is connected with many things. Some permanent and fundamental things which are essential and determine the final outcome of life and some temporary things which are necessary but temporarily create happiness or sorrow or a mixed state of both. And so there is a state and nature of fate. Permanent or final good fortune or misfortune, temporary or ongoing happiness and sorrow.
Understanding the truth of life, being able to connect with the source of truth and enlighten oneself in the light of truth, being able to realize the purpose and essence of life, being able to use life and time meaningfully, finding the right direction in life and finding the right life partner, being able to acquire knowledge, qualifications and qualities to reach the goal of understanding the responsibilities and duties of life and being able to be free from situations that contradict it, etc., determine the true fate or ultimate identity and outcome of life.
Again, obtaining the means of life to live well, obtaining the rights granted by the Merciful Allah to His Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), obtaining the security, dignity and mobility of life, and acquiring the ability and opportunity to accomplish the tasks of life, etc. are also essential for the development, happiness and prosperity of life.
If you do not get the first things, life ultimately turns into a life of lies, darkness and corruption, a life of Satan. And if you do not get the second things, life becomes seriously damaged and painful. You lose your rights, security and dignity, become a victim of oppression, exploitation and deprivation, and may even lose your goal. But if you do not understand what these things depend on, how to get them or why many are deprived, you will be immersed in confusion.
Basically, the source and means of all the fates of Hell are from the Merciful Allah alone, be it a gift or a punishment. But it is by no means arbitrary or without rules. It has specific and immutable just reasons and rules, a just system and process, and an inviolable means. There is a main cause or intermediary for the creation of everything and for any gift, blessing, or mercy to be sent down, distributed, or received, which is called the True Messenger, and this True Messenger is our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
Since all mercy is through the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he is the center of all blessings and blessings, the Holy Quran calls the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Rahmatullahi alaihi wa sallam, or the mercy of all the worlds. Through this main channel, life is given in various ways, forms and develops, prospers and succeeds, and is being given continuously.
For example, the basic materials for living and moving forward physically on earth are given to humans from outside and from inside, inside and outside the body, inside and outside the earth in various ways. Light-air-water-heat-electricity-energy; on the other hand, various substances including land-food-plants-minerals-fire-gas are given from outside and from inside, eyes-ears-speech power, various organs and limbs, and intellect-conscience-power of action, etc.
Then, so that people can realize the essence and truth of life, be free from lies, darkness and corruption, develop good qualities and move towards the right goal, build an ideal and civilized society, live and develop with rights and dignity, and be free from exploitation, oppression, brutality and prejudice, the prophets of the Merciful Allah Almighty and finally, the original prophet of all prophets or Nabiyil Ummi, our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), have given people the practical path to a healthy and correct way of life, happiness and happiness in the world of hell.
He has given knowledge and guidance to make life beautiful and comfortable by using talent, strength and the resources provided by Allah Almighty. He has given clear arrangements so that all the resources provided by Allah Almighty to every person in the world can be received according to their rightful rights, so that the resources are not accumulated by a handful of individuals, groups or countries and others are not deprived and exploited. The fate of people also depends on the arrangements he has made so that humanity is not destroyed by creating racism and communalism by creating artificial distinctions such as language, region, caste, and religion.
Every human being in the world has been given the necessary educational system-economic system-social system-state system for the advancement of all brothers and sisters, for gaining dignity, freedom and ensuring their rights; when these systems are disrupted, the dominance of lies and injustice descends on society, civilization is destroyed, and people lose their rightful rights and pace of life. These vile disturbances are carried out by the followers of Satan even in the name of holy Islam, playing with the fate of people through tribalism, monarchy, personal or party dictatorship, etc. Some people even support them in the guise of scholars. By betraying the faith of the Merciful Allah and His beloved Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the beloved Ahlul Bayt, the rightly guided Caliphs, the Imams of truth, and the great Jamiat Awliya Keram, they shamelessly advocate lies and oppression, and sell themselves to evil forces in exchange for petty interests. In the name of truth, they push people towards lies; religion is distorted, society is endangered.
If we analyze the reality of the process of fate in this way, we will see that all gifts, mercy, and good fortune for humans come from the Merciful Allah and His beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but in many matters, whether or not they are received or not, the individual is responsible, and many things are related to the social system, the state system, and the world system.
Misfortune is not a separate thing. Being deprived of good fortune and its favorable means and means creates misfortune. In personal life, the initiative-thoughtfulness-consciousness-correct use of intelligence, support for truth and justice, opposition to falsehood and injustice, pursuit of knowledge and science or, on the contrary, indifference, lack of thought and practice, deviation from the path and methods of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, following wrong views-paths-individuals-groups or systems, as directed by the merciful Allah Almighty and His beloved Habib (peace be upon him), will naturally play a role in determining fate according to the formula of fate of the merciful Allah Almighty.
Therefore, it is understood that, in the rules determined by the merciful Allah, there are some reasons for human happiness and the rules, methods and levels of achieving it. Along with the role of individual life in this process and relationship, the role of the state system and the world system is also very clear. The history of human life is the history of the eternal conflict between truth and falsehood, justice and injustice, humanity and oppression, freedom and subjugation, along with these two levels, the rise and fall of fortune or lack of it in personal life and social life.
Individual, collective and social efforts are essential conditions for determining destiny, for acquiring and establishing knowledge of proper responsibility in individual life and justice and rights in social life and for eliminating oppression, exploitation and suffering. This effort is also a kind of directed method and means through which the mercy of the Merciful Allah and His Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is attained and the door of light, peace and success is opened in everyone's life. Every effort will bring results in proportion to its strength and on the basis of the right or wrong direction followed, this is also a natural law. And the talent, strategy, power and resources underlying the effort are also fundamentally given by the Merciful Allah, only if a person can use them appropriately can he reap the benefits of his efforts.
Those who deny the inherent power given by the Merciful Allah in their efforts and consider only their own external processes as the only and main power lose the truth and move towards atheism. And those who abandon the path and system indicated by the Merciful Allah and His beloved Habib (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and carry out everything directly in the name of the Merciful Allah, excluding or denying efforts and means, are also followers of ignorance and worshipers of foolishness. In fact, one has to seek help from the Merciful Allah with trust in means and move forward on the guided path, and if this effort is also made on a distorted path and under wrong leadership, it will also bring sorrow, disaster and failure.
The Merciful Allah has given people the knowledge, opportunity, power and freedom to understand good and evil, to be and do good and evil in the world and has also given them the reward. Many people want to attribute all the good and bad ups and downs of life and the world directly to the name of Allah, which is not true. Everything in the world, nature and creation runs on the basis of the natural laws and regulations determined by Allah, not by direct orders, but the orders are given within the natural laws and regulations. The Merciful Allah has created matter and nature and has given His laws, knowledge, orders, methods, qualities and characteristics in it, which are not exceptions. From the atom to the cell, from the rise and fall of life to death to the resurrection to the hereafter, everything is and will continue to run according to that law.
Only through the miracles of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the miracles of the saints and the accepted prayers, the special mercy and power of the Merciful Allah, above the supernatural or ordinary material laws, is the manifestation of Allah's special mercy and power organized. If everything was organized directly by the command of Allah, contrary to the natural laws determined by Allah, the bearers of false oppression could never have become victorious in the world and destroyed truth and humanity. Rather, these things depend on the work and power of the bearers of truth and humanity and the bearers of lies and oppression as a means, and this is the natural law of Allah, the Merciful Allah in the world. In order to be free from lies and oppression, exploitation, subjugation, humiliation, the power of truth and humanity must work in unity, as the great and accepted companions and the great saints did.
Many people, unable to understand the laws of the universe determined by the merciful Allah, have unrealistic and distorted ideas about all these matters, and do not hesitate to misinterpret the Quran and Hadith. For example, "Someone has illegally amassed wealth by oppressing others through unjust means, robbing others of their rights, and deceiving and cheating; many people have been deprived and oppressed in the brutal social system of some people" - none of this illegal abundance or suffering is a gift or punishment determined by Allah on Laylatul Baraat. Disasters are created due to environmental pollution and destruction of natural balance, and cyclones, floods, etc. occur in different regions of the world at a specific season or time, and this is often known in advance. In this, especially the deprived people suffer more. All this is just a vain lie to hide their own irresponsibility and mismanagement by doing all this in the name of Allah. The Merciful Allah is not the one who punishes or angers, but rather, through the mercy of His Beloved, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), He saves from punishment and anger.
As the world has fallen into the hands of the anti-truth, anti-life, anti-cult, anti-human
Of course, Allah is the Owner of all knowledge and all power and He can change any situation, give and do whatever He wants. He can remove any danger or give it as a test or punishment. And for that, we must ask Him with the help of His beloved Habib (peace be upon him), the center of His mercy, the mercy of the worlds, and in order to receive it, we must follow the path shown by the beloved Ahl al-Bayt, the great Caliphs, the Imams of truth, the great saints and believers, who are favored by Him and chosen by His beloved Habib (peace be upon him), and in order to receive it, we must follow the path shown by the great Awliya al-Karam (rightly guided ones), the true Imams, the great saints and believers, and the correct guidance of the age.
The occasion of Barat is a very mysterious and significant matter beyond common understanding, which is clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadith as a blessed, merciful and decree-determining matter (Fiha Yufraqu Kullu Amrin Hakim, Surah Dukhan, verse 4), the full and true truth of which is known only to the Merciful Allah and His Great Beloved Habib (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and to those whom they have revealed to them, their chosen and distinguished people.
At the beginning of Surah Dokhan Sharif, which is directly related to Shab-e-Barat, Allah Almighty, through the blessed name Hamim, first mentions His beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the center of all His mercy, and then mentions the Holy Quran. Then, in the fourth verse, He mentions Amrin Hakim or the decree revealed, and in the sixth verse, He mentions Rahmatam Mir Rabbika, or the special mercy revealed.
Therefore, according to the instructions of the Holy Quran, the main points of Shab-e-Barat are five:
- The beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
- The Holy Quran
- Blessed and auspicious night
- Order
- Special mercy from the Merciful Allah.
All books of Hadith Sharif mention another great aspect of Shab-e-Barat - Maghfirat or the infinite forgiveness of Allah, the prerequisite for which is faith.
Therefore, it is proven on the basis of the Holy Quran that the source of all the blessings is the beloved of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. The path of all the blessings of Hell is the path and process indicated by the Holy Quran, namely the representative authority of life & humanity beyond any discrimination, flow of truth & wealth, structure of right & freedom, state and world of peace-safety & universal humanity under light of divine values; given by beloved holy Rasul, the source of all blessing-love-humanity. Denying Shab-e-Barat is denying the Holy Quran.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself visited the holy shrines of the great companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in Jannatul Baqi Sharif (destroyed by the Saudi tribalist Wahhabi regime) on this night and emphasized special prayers and worship on this night - Hadith Sharif. In the holy night of Barat, there is an indication that the worldly reflection of a person's condition and deeds is determined, along with the opportunity for forgiveness and repentance. The opportunity for special mercy is given and there is a special possibility of prayers being accepted.
Today, as a nation, we Muslims are unfortunate all over the world. Despite being the most fortunate, we have fallen into extreme misfortune by losing it. In every country, we are helpless victims of murder, overthrow, and torture, and even our beliefs, beliefs, and identities are on the verge of being lost. By distorting and restricting the religion of truth and success, the religion of liberation for world humanity, we are bringing misfortune upon ourselves and the entire humanity.
The infidels and the successors of the infidels are wreaking havoc in the name of religion. To overcome this situation, we must free ourselves from all internal and external deceivers and enemies, fulfill our responsibilities on the right path, and move forward towards the specific goal of success. On this great night, we must ask Allah Almighty for mercy and help, deliverance from all miseries and misfortunes, and all the permanent and temporary good fortunes of life.
The relationship with the merciful Allah Ta'ala and the main center of all mercy, through being dedicated to the love and honor of the beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, is the real blessing or main fortune of life. The prescribed way to obtain all other blessings and blessings of life is the self-ownership of life and state and world of universal humanity; given by beloved holy Rasul, the source of all blessing-love-humanity. The source of destruction in Hell is the darkness of lies and ignorance, the prison of kufr and oppression-deprivation-obscurity-arbitrariness. The revolution of Mulukiyyat, Imaniyat and Insaniyat is the open door to the closed blessing of life in Hell.
And in this way, the good fortune of the world can come to all people worldwide, and all misfortunes can be eliminated.
He has received state recognition and the Ekushey Medal for his significant contribution to the study of the true nature of Islam. He is one of the world's greatest scholars of religion, Imam of Ahle Sunnah, Ustazul Ulama, Shaykhul Hadith, Murshede Haqqani, Waliy Rabbani.
-Hazrat Allama Syed Saifur Rahman Nizami Shah,
(The reviver of the true trend of the mainstream of Islam, Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'at, in this era, and the founder of the World Sunni Movement and the initiator of the World Human Revolution)
- Syed Allama Imam Hayat (may Allah have mercy on him)