A press conference was held on the topic of permanent solutions to the ongoing multifaceted crisis, including economic ones, and building a highly prosperous democratic Bangladesh. Mohammad Ahsanul Karim read out a written statement at a press conference organized by the Institute of Democratic Political Economy at the Dhaka Reporters Unity Sagar Runi Auditorium at 12 noon on Tuesday (February 11).
In his written statement, he said, "After the fall of the autocratic government, the nation entrusted Nobel laureate Dr. Yunus with the responsibility of leading the interim government with the expectation of democratic reforms in the state system. His wise step in forming the reform commissions for this purpose was a wise one. However, even with the help of economic experts and wise advisors, he could not stop the deteriorating economy even in 6 months. Therefore, the right-wingers are worried about the success of his democratic reforms."
The multifaceted crisis, including the economic one, is increasing. In 2018/19, the GDP growth rate was 7.9% and the revenue revenue rate was above 11.0% of GDP. Now, those two rates are below 4.0% and 9.0% respectively. The inflation rate was also below 6.0%, which is now above 10.0%. Due to the revenue crisis, the government is taking bank loans and increasing taxes. Public life is being disrupted due to increased taxes.
Income growth, revenue generation, inflation, market price volatility, etc. are economic issues. However, the root cause of the ongoing deteriorating situation is not economic policies, but the limitations of the state system's structure and institutions. Eye diseases cannot be cured with ear doctors and medicines. Similarly, the negative effects of the limitations of the state system's structure and institutions cannot be eliminated with wise economists and economic policies.
I was 100% certain that Dr. Yunus' government, with its wise economic advisors, would not be able to solve the growing economic problems. I rushed from America after 3 months, despite being ill, to support him.
Dr. Yunus also gave me time at 6 pm on 27/11/2024. However, it was ruined due to the whims and irresponsibility of Advisor Dr. Wahid Uddin Mahmud. Dr. Yunus-government could not free the nation from this trend of economic decline. Then, I wrote a letter to Dr. Yunus and the concerned commissioners on 05/12/2024 (in the letter) mentioning my main initiatives implemented and to be implemented since 1982.
My major initiatives implemented since 1982 - Upgrading police stations to sub-districts/upazilas (1982-83). Upgrading sub-districts to districts (1984). Dhaka Metropolitan Area Plan (DMAP) (1987-). Forming local district governments including 3 hill districts (1989). Forming 9 regional cantonments (1989-2015). Reducing the income tax structure from 0%-50% to 0%-25% (1992). Dividing Bangladesh into 10 divisions (future provinces) (1993). Making the minister the chief executive of the ministry (1996). Dividing the village union area into 9 wards (1997). Introducing universal old age allowance (1997). Increasing the number of judges in the Appellate Division to 11 in two steps (2002-09). Proportional representation of women in the parliament (2004). Retaining Islam as the state religion with equal rights/respect for all religions (2011). Incorporating the March 7th speech and the Declaration of Independence into the constitution (2011). Introducing universal child (health-education) allowance to alleviate poverty (2017), introducing value-added tax (VAT) at different levels, (2022), etc.
The main initiatives that are expected to be implemented (also recommended by the Administrative and Constitutional Reform Committee) - Reorganizing the state infrastructure in a balanced and democratic manner, including the formation of Comilla and Faridpur divisions. Introducing a balanced national salary scale in line with the national income distribution and national income; Making all elective positions in the national and local government for a four-year term; Introducing a bicameral parliament; Introducing an electoral government based on the second chamber with an independent head and one-third of the members; Introducing a maximum two-term system for the posts of President, Speaker, Prime Minister and heads of local governments; Separating the Supreme Court and High Court and introducing divisional High Courts; Converting divisions into provinces if the population exceeds 150 million, and introducing a federal system of government in light of the 6 points, etc. Progressive Democratic State System, 1985, two presentations: Parliament (2010) and Supreme Court (2011), from 2025.
Among the hundreds of recommendations of the reform commissions, there are also hundreds of urgent implementations. If they are to be implemented, the opponents and the victims will try unsuccessfully. The state situation may become unstable (appointment from deputy secretary to secretary). Therefore, only fundamental restructuring/reforms must be done to bind the state system to democracy based on the pledge of independence (Declaration of Independence) and the pledge of a mass uprising in August, 2024.
In my opinion, three initiatives are essential and important for this: one, dividing Bangladesh into 10 divisions/provinces including the formation of Comilla and Faridpur; two, introducing a balanced, democratic national salary structure to increase the rate of GDP growth and revenue income and revising other allowances including old age allowance at a minimum rate of 12.51% of the minimum basic salary; and three, adopting a democratic constitution based on a unitary state or a United States and choosing one in a referendum. It would be appropriate to do other reforms later on based on this.
There is no alternative to a balanced and democratic restructuring of the state structure, including the formation of two divisions, for a permanent solution to the multifaceted crisis, including the economic one. If the Yunus government wants, it can complete the formation of Comilla and Faridpur divisions by February 2025. For this, the law (SRO) of these two divisions and the offices of Commissioner and DIG will have to be established in the light of Mymensingh division. The balanced and democratic restructuring of the rest of the state structure can be done in March-May.
Apart from administrative, the division also has multidimensional social, economic, cultural, political, security, defense, communication and other aspects, the impact of which is twenty times that of administrative. If there are two divisions, the private sector will be the most productive. The growth potential of GDP will increase by about 1.3%. Therefore, Barisal-Sylhet or Rangpur-
If Mymensingh becomes a division, the GDP growth rate/capacity will increase by 2.0%, revenue revenue will increase, terrorism will decrease. If the remaining state-infrastructure districts and upazilas are reorganized, the GDP growth capacity will increase by another 0.7%.
Based on the budget for the fiscal year 2024/25, the expenditure for the remaining 5 months for the two departments with the existing manpower will increase by only 6/7 crore taka. And due to this, the growth capacity of GDP will increase by about 1.3% in the remaining 5 months and revenue income will increase by about 0.2% of GDP or 12 thousand crore taka. Inflation will decrease by about 0.7% and commodity prices will gradually become free from syndication.
The formation of Comilla and Faridpur divisions will bring about a 12.5% change in the nature of the state-infrastructure and will be balanced and democratic. The inclusiveness of 9 aspects of the 180 million people (social, economic, cultural, political, administrative, security, defense, communication and other matters) of the government-private and individual-collective issues will take a positive shape in all aspects. This will lead to about 200 million democratic reforms, big and small.
For this reason, if Barisal-Sylhet division or Rangpur-Mymensingh division is formed, the GDP growth rate/capacity will increase by 2.0%, revenue income will increase, increasing terrorism will decrease. If Comilla and Faridpur divisions are formed, the GDP growth rate will increase by 1.3%, the decreasing revenue income will increase on the contrary, increasing terrorism will no longer exist. Market competition will increase and be balanced, and the influence of syndicates will decrease.
Under the national pay scale
There are 2.7 million employees in the government and private sectors. Only if the national income distribution and per capita income are reformed in line with the national pay structure/scale will the national pay structure/scale become balanced and democratic. Under this, the employees will be immediately responsible and efficient. Therefore, the government should constitute a “comprehensive” 9th National Pay Commission. For now, the interim national pay scale should be introduced from March 2025.
It would be appropriate to pay basic salary in the 2024/25 fiscal year and other allowances from July 2025. Then, about 24 thousand crore taka will be spent on government grants and retirement allowances in 4 months. And GDP growth will increase by 5.0% and revenue income by 1.5% of GDP, or about 36 thousand crore taka. Inflation will also decrease above 2.5%. GDP growth and revenue income will increase by 1.5% of GDP and inflation and corruption will decrease, as tested in the introduction of the last 8 national pay scales.
The regulation that increases administrative corruption for the sake of political corruption has also been reduced. If there is a balanced-democratic national salary scale, corruption will be reduced by half. Now the minimum salary from the availability (20,000/- Taka) has gradually been reduced by about 57%. Without a strong but revised balanced national salary structure/scale, how will the DDA make 2.7 million employees responsible and efficient? If it is made 5 times bigger and stronger, the DDA will be the most corrupt organization.
The absence of a bicameral parliament is one of the main limitations of the 1972 constitution. I have been talking about introducing a bicameral parliament in Bangladesh since 1985 to make the government system democratic. Many people have ridiculed this. Dr. Riaz also ridiculed this in 2016. He is my Facebook friend since 2010.
However, thanks to the committee under his leadership for recommending a bicameral parliamentary system. However, his recommendation lacks self-control and balance. In place of a top-down monarchy/dictatorship, modern democracy is an upward-oriented democratic state system with equality, freedom, and justice. Having learned from the world survey, I am talking about the introduction of a bicameral parliamentary system to build a prosperous, balanced, democratic Bangladesh since 1985.
I have sent a letter for an interview on 04/12/2024. Advisor Nurjahan Begum Dura has reminded me. After receiving no response from Dr. Yunus' office for two long months, I am publishing the book "Two Presentations" on an urgent basis by combining this journalist meeting and the reports presented in the Parliament (2010) and the Supreme Court (2011). It will be available at the Shila Publishing stall (No. 913-14) at the book fair.
I am unknown to the nation because I work in the background. I hope my words will reach the nation including Dr. Yunus through your media. I seek your cooperation in the national interest in democratic reconstruction/reform during the ongoing hardship of the nation. I will also be able to assist Dr. Yunus in the reconstruction/reform of the constitution, including the reconstruction of these two fundamental state-infrastructure-institutions, in an easy way and in a short time.
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Mohammad Ahsanul Karim