Maruf Sarkar, reporter:
Tyranny is the oppression of some over others. The main responsibility of the state is to protect the life, property, dignity, rights and freedom of all, otherwise it is not a state - tyranny against humanity. Allama Imam Hayat, Chairman of the World Human Revolution Bangladesh, said these things in a statement on Thursday night.
He said, although government-sponsored looting, hooliganism, arson, and destruction are the politics of militancy, they are not politics from the perspective of the political principles of Islam and the politics of humanity. They are abominable banditry, hooliganism, tyranny, violence, brutality, barbarity, fascism, and terrorism.
These extreme barbarities are only possible for vile, savage people and scoundrels who have no political principles, ideals, values, and only resort to torture, oppression, imprisonment, oppression, deprivation of rights, and state terrorism against their opponents because of power.
These destructions have taken us from the destruction of the great symbol of Islam, the holy shrine of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the great Maqbool Sahabah, in the land of Qibla, Al-Arab, to India.
From the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the recent demolition of Mazar Sharif and Khanka Darbar and places of worship of various religions in this country, to the destruction of the centers of various political parties and the country's historical sites, all are manifestations of the same violent, brutal, hateful, authoritarian, toxic fascist politics at different levels.
Throughout history, these lawless individuals remain forever hated by all human beings.
Those who deny the rights of others and overthrow other people's religious paths for the sake of power are not actually followers of any religion and are not human beings but inhumans.
These disgusting, barbaric people, without a place of birth, have no respect for themselves, so they do not count the stigma and curse of history. Barbarity is never to be emulated, not an achievement, not an ideal, but rather a poisonous and hateful crime to be avoided.
In addition, mentioning the means of liberation from the horrors of all evil forces against life and humanity, he further said that the only politics of humanity is the indispensable politics of ensuring the security, freedom, rights and dignity of all people given by the Merciful Allah and His direct light, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).