Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Abul Bashar: All praise is due to Allah the Almighty. May the endless blessings and peace be upon the Incarnate Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Currently, the false sects say that there is no evidence to fast on the holy night of Shab-e-Barat or Laylatul Barat, and that it is an innovation to keep this day specific. Nauzubillah! However, in the Sahih Book of Sahih Sittar, “Muslim Sharif”, there is a clear evidence to fast on this day. As the Holy Hadith Sharif states: Meaning: Hazrat Imran Ibn Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Sayyidul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor-e-Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam asked him or someone else, Did you fast in the middle of the holy month of Sha'ban (Laylatul Barat)? He said, No. Then Sayyidul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor-e-Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, If you did not fast, then you will fast for two days. (Muslim Sharif: Kitabus Sawm - Babu Sawmi Shahri Shaban - Hadith number 2622, Sahih Ibn Hibban 3588, Fathul Bari 4/230, Umdatul Qari 17/99, Sharhe Muslim li Nabawi 4/181)
Not only that, the importance of this fast is so great that if one does not fast on this day, one has to fast for two days after the holy month of Ramadan as an expiation. In this regard, the following is narrated in the Holy Hadith Shareef: Meaning: Hazrat Imran Ibn Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Sayyidul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Habibullah Huzoor Pak (may Allah be pleased with him) said to him, "Did you fast in the middle of this month (the 15th of Sha'ban)?" He said, "No." Then Sayyidul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin, Habibullah Huzoor Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, blessed him, said, "You will complete his fast of the month of Ramadan and observe two days of fasting instead." (Muslim Shareef: Kitabus Sawm - Babu Sawmi Shahri Sha'ban - Hadith number 2623)
Therefore, it is proven by the authentic book of the Holy Hadith Sharif, 'Muslim Sharif', that fasting on the Holy Shab-e-Barat or Shab-e-Barat is very important. Those who deny fasting on this day are denying the Sahih Hadith Sharif. These are the human devils. They do not want Muslims to attain mercy and blessings by performing deeds on special days. Nauzubillah!
The virtues of fasting on the holy night of Laylatul Baraa:
In the Holy Hadith Sharif, it is narrated that Amirul Mu'minin Hazrat Karramallahu Wajhahu Alaihis Salam said, meaning: "Asadullahil Ghalib narrated from Hazrat Karramallahu Wajhahu Alaihis Salam. He said, The beloved of Allah the Almighty, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, When the night of the 15th of the holy month of Sha'ban, i.e. the holy Shab-e-Barat, arrives, then you should offer prayers on that blessed night and fast during the day. Because surely Allah the Almighty descends to the sky of the earth at sunset on that blessed night, i.e. He sends down His mercy. Then He declares, Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness? I will forgive him. Is there anyone who asks for sustenance? I will provide for him. Is there anyone who is in trouble? I will remove his troubles. He continued to proclaim this until dawn.” Subhanallah! (Reference: Ibn Majah 1/144: Hadith 1388, Ibn Hibban: Hadith 1388, Bayhaqi Shu’abul A’mani 5/454: Hadith 3822, Mishkatul Masabih 2/245: Hadith 1233) Our duty and obligation will be to worship and worship on that holy night, repent and seek forgiveness, and fast during the day. It is a special Sunnah to fast at least three times every month. Therefore, it is better to fast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th days in conjunction with the fast of Shab-e-Barat. In a respected Hadith Sharif, it is stated that the beloved of Allah, the Exalted, the Incarnate One, Habibullah Huzoor Pak, Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, said, “Whoever fasts three days in the holy month of Sha’ban Sharif, Allah will make him ride on a camel in Paradise and cross the bridge.” (Ibn Nubata) In another respected Hadith Sharif, it is stated, “Whoever fasts three days in the holy month of Sha’ban Sharif, Allah will forgive his sins.” Subhanallah! If it is not possible to fast three days, then at least one should fast on the holy day of Shab-e-Barat, i.e. the 15th of Sha'ban Sharif. Because in the respected Hadith Sharif, it is stated, "Whoever fasts on the 15th of Sha'ban, i.e. the day of Barat, the fire of Hell will never touch him." Subhanallah!
It is mentioned in the world-famous book 'Nuzhatul Majalis' that indeed the jinn, animals, birds and even the fish of the sea fast on the half of Sha'ban, i.e. the 15th of Sha'ban." Subhanallah! Tafsir Ruhul Mayani states, "Whoever worships and fasts during the holy night of Laylatul Barat and observes fast during the day, Allah Almighty will write in his book of deeds the reward of 20 accepted Hajj and the reward of fasting for 20 years. Subhanallah! In the book 'Nuzhatul Majalis', there is more mention about the virtue of fasting, Noor-e-Mujassam Habibullah Huzoor Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has said, "Whoever fasts only once in the holy month of Sha'ban, that is, on the holy night of Sha'ban, Allah Almighty will make his body forbidden from the fire of Hell and in Paradise that person will be the companion of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) and will be rewarded with the likes of Hazrat Ayyub (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Dawud (peace be upon him). In the respected Hadith Sharif, it has been said, "Those who fast on the 15th of the holy month of Sha'ban Sharif, will recite Durood Sharif 3 times at the time of Iftar. Then his previous sins will be forgiven and his sustenance will be blessed. In honor of the Imam and Mujtahid of the time, Hazrat Mujaddid-e-A'zam Sultanun Nasir Murshid Qiblah (peace be upon him) and his respected Hazrat Ahlul Bayt Sharif (peace be upon them), may Allah Almighty grant all Muslims the ability to worship and fast during the day on this honorable night of Laylatul Barat.