Staff Reporter: Abdus Salam Mollah.
Due to the widespread irregularities and negligence of Upazila Secondary Education Officer Md. Fazlul Haque, the educational system of educational institutions including teachers has been damaged and he is using the education office as his residence.
Since joining the upazila, he has been spending time lying down in the office. He has set up a bed and hung curtains.
He is spending the night in the office. Most of the schools have not even entered the school, this is the complaint of the heads of the institutions. The proof of the lack of progress in the education system is the pass rate of students in the SSC and Dakhil exams. He has taken all the government benefits in his job by spending time sitting in the office. He has played a game of football in the education sector because the schools are not properly supervised. He is following his own whims and fancies. Since the Secondary Education Officer Md. Fazlul Haque has closed his website, teachers are not able to apply for them and even teachers are not successful in any of their work. Teachers are being affected by the closure of the Secondary Education Officer's website. Teachers are not able to apply within the stipulated time for application. This is the complaint of the Vice Principal of Ainpur Dakhil Madrasa Md. Abul Hasan. He said that I have applied several times to increase my salary scale, but the application is not successful because the Education Officer's website is closed. Due to which I am deprived of benefits in my job because my salary is not increased. In addition, many teachers have been affected by this harassment and other things. He said that he has forgotten his password. Although the websites of all upazila secondary education officers are open, the website of the Nagarkanda Upazila Secondary Education Officer is closed.
Upazila Secondary Education Officer Md. Fazlul Haque said, "The website is not working and the teacher has been asked to call the programmer. When asked about the office accommodation, he did not give any answer and moved away."
Nagarkanda Upazila Executive Officer Md. Kafi Bin Kabir said that the matter is being looked into.