Popular leader and social worker Boni Amin Recently, he gave an important message, in which he urged the islanders to be vigilant. He said, “The people of Hatiyar must completely stop charging for speedboat or launch rentals. The islanders have been silent about many things for the past 16 years, but not this time.”
Boni Amin In this comment, he expressed deep sorrow and concern for the islanders, as for a long time, some unscrupulous individuals or groups have been charging excessive fees on speedboat and launch rentals, which is weakening the financial condition of the people on the one hand, and causing inconvenience to their daily commute on the other.
Extortion in speedboat or launch rentals:
Extortion or overcharging is a very harmful tool for an island region like Hatyai. Due to natural disasters, communication limitations, and financial incapacity, extortion has become a major problem in the transportation system of the general public. The general public is being harassed by charging extra fares on speedboats or launches.
Boni Amin "The people of Hatia must be vigilant, let no one tolerate their silence. If we all stand together and protest, it will be possible to stop these dishonest activities on our island," he said.
A call for struggle and change:
Hatia said the people must come forward to tackle these problems unitedly. Boni AminHe said, “The government needs proper initiatives for the transportation of the islanders, but the people themselves have to take action against these extortionists.” He added, “We will be able to solve this problem in the future if we all work together.”
Boni AminThis statement will, on the one hand, create awareness among the islanders, and on the other hand, call for a new struggle among the public, so that they no longer tolerate any kind of abuse and extortion.
Last words:
It is important that the people of Hatyai speak up for their rights and stand together against any kind of abuse and extortion. A strong social movement needs to be built against extortion and excessive rent collection so that the islanders can live their daily lives in peace and safety. Boni AminThis initiative will take Hatiya forward in a stronger and more respectful manner.