Principal Advisor Shafiqul Alam, who is serving as the current government's press secretary, participated in a program on a private television channel and answered various questions. In the program, he raised the issue of bullying and social pressure targeting his family.
The presenter asked him, "While performing your duties, do you think that your family is also at risk because of this work?"
In response to this, Shafiqul Alam said, "This is a completely new topic for me. If I had known that my family would be affected by this job, I would never have taken this job. In my life and work, I never want to harm others. I have helped many people, but I never intended to harm them."
He added, "When I speak out against the injustice and tyranny of the fallen dictatorship, their supporters target me and my family. They know what they are getting into. But I have seen their vile mentality up close."
At that time, Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam said that he had unfriended his relatives on social media to protect his family's safety. He said, "I don't want anyone to come to harm because of me. I have also stopped visiting relatives' houses."
In this speech, Shafiqul Alam promised to ensure the safety of his family and the protection of his personal life.