Sylhet Correspondent: The holy month of Ramadan has started from Sunday (March 2). On the occasion of Ramadan, a huge crowd has been observed in the wholesale and retail markets of Sylhet. Due to the higher import this year compared to last year, the price of dates is slightly lower. Due to the reduction in customs duties and taxes on imports, the price per kg of dates has decreased by 50 taka to 200 taka. However, although the price is low in wholesale shops, the price of dates in retail shops is 100 to 150 taka per kg and in some retail fruit shops, a difference of 200 to 300 taka has been observed.
Such information was received from the wholesale fruit market in Kadamtali, South Surma, Sylhet, and the retail fruit sellers in Bandarbazar-Kadamtali in the city on Saturday (March 1).
A field visit revealed that 15 to 20 types of dates are available in the market. Again, the same dates have different prices. Compared to last year's prices, it was found that the price of good quality dates has decreased from a minimum of 50 to a maximum of 200 taka per kg.
On Saturday (March 1), a visit to the date wholesaler Messrs. Kailash Fruits Agency at Yasin Plaza Fruit Market in South Surma Kadamtali, Sylhet, showed that Iraqi 'Zahidi' dates were sold at Tk 230 per kg during Ramadan last year. This time the same dates are being sold in Sylhet at Tk 180 per kg. Medium-sized Egyptian 'Medjool' was sold at Tk 1500 per kg last year. This time they are being sold at Tk 1460, Tk 1360 and Tk 1150 per kg. Apart from this, Dubai Dabbas dates are priced at Tk 450 to Tk 380 per kg, Saudi Arabia Ajoa dates are priced at Tk 1,100 to Tk 900, Saudi Arabia Kalmi dates at Tk 860 to Tk 660, Dubai Nakal dates at Tk 350 to Tk 300, Sayer dates at Tk 350 to Tk 250, Safari dates at Tk 600, Mashrukh dates at Tk 400, Saudi Arabia dates at Tk 800 to Tk 750, Dubai Humaira dates at Tk 500 to Tk 440, Tinoshia dates at Tk 600 to Tk 550, Dubai Wet Zahidi (30/35 kg bags) at Tk 250 to Tk 135 per kg, Egyptian Amber dates at Tk 1,300 to Tk 900, Iranian Maryam dates at Tk 1,200 to Tk 1,000, Dubai Lulu dates at Tk 4,000 to Tk 3,900 per kg, Dubai Count Dabas dates at Tk 500 to Tk 450 per kg and Algeria dates at Tk 500 to Tk 400 per kg. Selling wholesale
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Dates are in abundance across Sylhet, prices are not in line with demand
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