Shahjahan Ali Manon, Saidpur (Nilphamari) Representative:
A motorcyclist, identified as Shahidul Islam Firoz, was killed after being hit by an oil tanker in Nilphamari's Saidpur. The accident occurred in front of the Khoda Hafez Gate of the cantonment on the Saidpur-Parbatipur road around 8pm on Sunday (February 23).
The deceased, Shahidul Islam Firoz, was a businessman from Syedpur town. Shahid Dr. Zikarul Haque was the owner of Noor Enterprise (crockery products) on the road. His home was in Mahadevpur, Naogaon district. It is learnt that he used to live at his in-laws' house in Kazipara, Syedpur town.
Confirming the matter, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Syedpur Police Station Faim Uddin said, "One person died in a road accident. The body has been handed over to the family after completing the legal process."
Shahjahan Ali Manon
Saidpur (Nilphamari) Correspondent