Sadarpur (Faridpur) Representative:
From the World Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif:
The holy Bishwa Urs Sharif of Bishwa Zaker Manzil Pak Darbar Sharif was celebrated with great enthusiasm, religious fervor and fervor, wishing for the peace and welfare of the Muslim Ummah. The 4-day Bishwa Urs Sharif of Darbar Sharif ended with the final prayer after Fajr on Tuesday, February 18.
Like every year, this year too, the Darbar Sharif and Ashpas areas were filled with the gathering of Zakerans, Ashekans, devotees and religious people from different parts of the country and different countries of the world. 3/4 days before the start of Urs Sharif, caravans of buses, trucks, launches and trawlers from different parts of the country started gathering at Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif. Due to the presence of the arrivals and the parking of their cars, there was a festive atmosphere for a few kilometers around Darbar Sharif. Day and night, the Zakerans were busy reciting zikir, the entire area was full of mosques. There was not a single empty space anywhere around the Darbar. The main surprise of this year's Urs was the lighting system of the huge mosque of Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif. During the 4-day Urs Sharif, each day was filled with a different kind of dazzling lighting, colors, and designs, bringing peace to all the Zakirans, Ashiqans, and religious people.
In addition, a huge pandal, ablution facilities, toilets, sewage disposal, lighting system throughout the area, food court, emergency medical services and overall security were constructed separately for the pilgrims arriving from different regions.
Arrangements. There were separate arrangements for women as well. Due to the management of the law enforcement agencies, Darbar Sharif's own green corps and several thousand security personnel, no untoward incident was reported anywhere.
The four-day Urs Sharif of Atrashir Bishwa Wali Shah Sufi Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Hasmatullah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qudsa A.S. (Quddesa Sirrahul Aziz) Saheb, which began on February 15th, includes daily Milad Mahfil, Waz Naseet, Zikir Askar religious discussions,
And the Durbar Sharif was filled with the sounds of Allahu Akbar takbir from millions of people.
After the Urs Sharif, on Tuesday, after reciting Fateha Sharif and visiting the Rawza Sharif of Bishwa Ali Khaja Baba Faridpuri (A.S.), the final prayer was led by Mufti Maulana Masudur Rahman Hamidi, the servant of Darbar Sharif, wishing for the happiness and peace of the world Muslim Ummah and the welfare of Bangladesh.
Sobahan Beach
Sadarpur, Faridpur