Basudeb Roy, Nilphamari Correspondent.
As part of the central program, the Diploma Medical Association Nilphamari branch held a press conference on four demands. The association leaders presented their demands at a press conference at the hall of the Nilphamari Press Club on Sunday (March 3) afternoon.
Former President of the District Diploma Medical Association Dr. Syed Md. Masud Hossain, current Senior Vice President Dr. Md. Abdul Majid, General Secretary Dr. Abdus Sobhan, Deputy Assistant Medical Officer of Bahagili Union Dr. Md. Abdul Gafur and many others spoke at the event.
The press conference discussed four demands including immediate appointment to vacant posts and creation of new posts, amendment of inconsistent course curriculum by changing the names of institutions and posts, and provision of higher education rights. The speakers demanded the appointment of diploma doctors to vacant posts in the 10th grade very soon and the appointment of doctors with medical diplomas to improve the quality of services in community clinics.
Leaders of the General MATS Students' Unity Council and the Bangladesh Diploma Medical Private Practitioner Association were present at the event.
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