Dhaka | The National Citizens Party (NCP), a new political party of the youth who led the July mass uprising, has emerged. The party officially launched its journey with a huge public rally at Manik Mia Avenue in the capital on Friday. The party has demanded elections for a Constituent Assembly to frame a new constitution and establish a 'Second Republic'.
Nahid Islam, one of the leaders of the July coup, is the convener of the NCP and Akhtar Hossain, member secretary of the National Citizens' Committee, has been appointed as the member secretary of the party. They said the new party dreams of building a democratic state through political, social and economic reforms.
At the party's launch event, Nahid Islam said, "We are taking an oath from this stage today - we will never allow Bangladesh to be divided again. No pro-India or pro-Pakistan politics will be able to survive in Bangladesh."
Nahid Islam said, "We want a change in the existing system. The people will formulate a new constitution through the Constituent Assembly elections, which will be a democratic constitution based on the rights of the people."
The manifesto states that the main goal of the NCP is to create a new state system free from corruption, based on equality and human dignity. The party will take effective steps to protect the rights of the common man, promote social justice, strengthen defense mechanisms and prevent corruption.
Representatives of various political parties including BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami, and Mass Solidarity Movement were present at the party's launch event. Nagorik Oikya President Mahmudur Rahman Manna, JSD's Tania Rob, Khelafat Majlish leaders, and several Islamic party leaders participated in the event.
Nahid Islam, who resigned from the interim government's advisory council, said, "We have taken an oath to build a new Bangladesh. This is not a dream, this is our promise."
Only time will tell how the NCP will strengthen its position and whether it will form alliances with other political parties before the national elections.
The new political party of the youth who led the July mass uprising National Citizens Party (NCP) has officially launched. The party's official journey began with a huge public gathering at Manik Mia Avenue in the capital on Friday. The new constitution was drafted and 'Second Republic' The party has demanded elections for a Constituent Assembly to establish it.
The party's central committee leaders said that the NCP was born with the aim of building a new political force against the country's ongoing political instability, corruption, misrule and discrimination. They promised that this party would be the voice of the common man, where money and muscle power would have no place.
Nahid Islam said, "Those who have been in politics in Bangladesh so far have looked after their own interests and not the interests of the people. We want to do politics for the people, not for power."
He further said, "We are taking an oath from this stage today—we will never allow Bangladesh to be divided again. No pro-India or pro-Pakistan politics will be able to survive in Bangladesh. We will establish a pro-Bangladesh politics."
Nahid Islam said, "We believe that the current system of governance does not represent the people. The existing system needs to be changed. The people themselves will formulate a new constitution through the Constituent Assembly elections, which will be a democratic constitution based on the rights of the people."
The party's manifesto said that the existing political system in the country has failed to meet the basic needs of the people. There is blame politics going on between both the ruling party and the opposition, where the common man is the only victim. The NCP has promised to build a fair, transparent and accountable political system, where the people have the ultimate power.
According to the announcement of the Central Committee of the National Citizens Party, the party's main goal is to create a new state system free from corruption, based on equality and human dignity.
The NCP manifesto states that the party will work on the following issues:
- Establishing social justice: To ensure the basic rights of the people by reducing the gap between rich and poor.
- Strong defense system: Taking necessary reforms and new steps to protect national security.
- Corruption Prevention: Ensuring strict accountability in the administration and law enforcement agencies.
- Radical changes in education and health sectors: Ensuring free higher education and advanced medical care.
- Economic Reform: To develop a self-reliant economy by expanding small and medium industries.
Representatives of various political parties including BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami, and Gana Sanghati Andolan were present at the party's launch event. Nagorik Oikya President Mahmudur Rahman Manna, JSD's Tania Rob, Khelafat Majlish leaders, and representatives of various Islamic parties also attended the event.
A political analyst said, "The emergence of the National Citizens Party has added a new dimension to the country's politics. It remains to be seen how the party will gain the trust of the people and establish itself in the electoral process."
NCP leaders said they want to build an organizational structure in every district of the country. The party was formed with the aim of bringing a new trend in politics under the leadership of the youth.
Nahid Islam said, "We want to build a Bangladesh where the rights of citizens are guaranteed and no one is discriminated against. This is not a dream, this is our promise."
It has been announced that the party's central committee will soon begin organizational activities and conduct mass outreach in various parts of the country.
Only time will tell how the NCP will consolidate its position and whether it will form alliances with other political parties ahead of the national elections. However, many analysts believe that this new party could bring significant changes to the country's politics.