The Appellate Division has upheld the verdict acquitting BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia from a seven-year sentence in the Zia Charitable Trust corruption case.
The Appellate Division headed by Justice Md. Ashfaqul Islam issued the order on Monday (March 3) morning. As a result, the High Court's acquittal verdict was upheld.
On November 27 last year, the High Court acquitted Khaleda Zia in the case. However, the state and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) appealed against the verdict. After hearing the appeal, the Appellate Division today upheld the High Court's verdict.
In October 2018, a special judge's court sentenced Khaleda Zia to seven years in prison in the Zia Charitable Trust corruption case. In this case, she was charged with abuse of state power and corruption.
After the political landscape changed on August 5, 2024, Khaleda Zia was acquitted in all cases one by one through legal process. Her sentence was also finally overturned in the final verdict in this case.
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