Sadarpur (Faridpur) Correspondent
The four-day World Islamic Conference organized by Zaker Party has concluded in memory of the passing away of the world saint Hazrat Shah Sufi Maulana Muhammad Hasmatullah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (PBUH).
The conference formalities began after dawn on February 8 (Saturday) at the mill ground of Baisharoshi Bishwa Zaker Manzil in Sadarpur Upazila of Faridpur. On the occasion of the conference, several lakhs of Ashekan Zakeran devotees and devotees from the country and abroad came in convoys in various vehicles including bus launches and trawlers to participate in the conference.
In addition to the regular prayers, the four-day conference also included voluntary worship, Quran recitation, Milad Mahfil, Zikr-Askar, and religious discussions. Yesterday, Tuesday (February 11), after Fajr, the conference program ended with the Rawza Ziyarat and Akheri Munajat of Bishwali Khaja Baba Faridpuri, wishing for the overall happiness, peace, and prosperity of the country and the nation, the unity, solidarity, and brotherhood of the Muslim Ummah, and above all, the peace and welfare of world humanity.
The final prayer was led by Mufti Shariful Islam Saifi, General Secretary of Zaker Party Youth Ulama Front.
Md. Sheikh Chobahan
Sadarpur, Faridpur