Chandpur Correspondent:
This page named BSL-CHANDPUR CYBER GANG has embarked on a mission to virtually eliminate journalists from Faridganj, Chandpur, if they write propaganda and bad comments against the Awami League on their own Facebook accounts. In this way, an expatriate youth named Rakibul Hasan is repeatedly cyber-attacking the IDs of most journalists. In the meantime, BSL-CHANDPUR CYBER GANG has repeatedly reported this from a Facebook page they run. Due to this, most journalists in Faridganj have been worried about the security of their Facebook accounts for the past few days.
Rakibul Hasan, a hacker from Chandra Bazar area of Balithuba West Union No. 1 of Faridganj Upazila, is conducting cyber attacks from a safe location abroad, accusing him of writing against the Awami League. After destroying the Facebook accounts of at least several journalists so far, BSL-CHANDPUR CYBER GANG is confirming this by posting from their own page. In this, the Facebook IDs of journalists have been subjected to cyber attacks.
It is learnt that this young man is threatening journalists on their personal WhatsApp numbers from a group called BSL-CHANDPUR CYBER GANG. In this regard, a journalist said, 'We have filed a complaint with the police; but since the hacker is abroad, no action can be taken against him. Although journalists report news impartially, this Awami League-backed hacker is repeatedly carrying out cyber attacks. We are fed up with this hacker.'
Several journalists who lost their Facebook accounts have already filed complaints with Faridganj Police Station. When contacted on WhatsApp with hacker Rakibul in this regard, he said, "I will not allow the agents of BNP, Jamaat and the left to remain in the media. There is no specific one, the point is that journalists who have benefited from the Awami League and are now changing parties and damaging the Awami League, there is no exemption for them. My aim is to protect the Awami League from online rumors and propaganda, so that the general public can know the truth. Therefore, cyber attacks will be launched from CHANDPUR CYBER GANG against those who spread rumors and propaganda."
Preparations are underway to file a GD in this regard with Faridganj Police Station on behalf of some journalists. The officer-in-charge of Faridganj Police Station said, 'You guys should file a complaint and we'll see what can be done.'