Naogaon Correspondent:-
Naogaon's Porsha Police Station has arrested a man named Sekender Ali (60), the alleged rapist in the case of a rape victim of an eighth grade student in Naogaon who became pregnant. This Saturday evening, To the rape victim He was arrested from the Bishnapur Bera Chowki area and sent to Naogaon Jail. The matter was confirmed by the officer-in-charge of Porsha Police Station, Shaheen Reza. The arrested Sekender Ali is the son of the deceased Shafiz Uddin of Bardapur village, Manda upazila, Naogaon, and the victim is a student of class VIII of a local institution. According to the case source, the arrested Sekender Ali had been living in the Bera Chowki area of Bishnapur village, Porsha upazila for a long time due to business reasons. There, he forcibly raped the victim girl against her will by using various temptations and threats. As a result, the school girl became pregnant. After about 5 and a half months, the family members came to know about the matter. Later, on Saturday, after the victim school girl filed a case with the police station, the Porsha Police Station police arrested the accused rapist. Confirming the truth, the officer-in-charge of Porsha Police Station, Shaheen Reza said that after being arrested, the accused confessed to the rape. He was later sent to Naogaon Jail by a learned court on Sunday.
Naogaon Correspondent:-
Md. Habibur Rahman
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