- ঝিকরগাছায় সংখ্যালঘু গৃহবধূকে ধর্ষণ চেষ্টা, সাতক্ষীরা থেকে অভিযুক্ত বৃদ্ধ গ্রেপ্তার
- সেচ্ছায় মাদক ব্যবসা ছাড়লেন বিখ্যাত ইয়াবা মনির
- নড়াইলে প্রতিপক্ষের হামলায় যুবক নিহত, অস্ত্র ও গুলিসহ আটক ২ অতিরিক্ত পুলিশসহ সেনাবাহিনী মোতায়েন
- ব্রাহ্মণপাড়ায় ভিটামিন ‘এ’ ক্যাপসুল পাচ্ছে প্রায় ৩৭ হাজার শিশু
- ফরিদপুরে জিয়া মঞ্চের উদ্যোগে বিক্ষোভ মিছিল ও প্রতিবাদ সমাবেশ
- বাঙ্গালহালিয়াতে ট্রিটমেন্ট ও চক্ষু ফ্যাকো সেন্টার চট্টগ্রাম উদ্যোগের চক্ষু শিবির দিনব্যাপী অনুষ্ঠিত
- সবুজ ফসলের মাঠে শোভা ছড়াচ্ছে হলুদ সূর্যমুখী
- হরিপুরে শিশু আছিয়ার ধর্ষক সহ দেশব্যাপী ধর্ষকদের দ্রুত বিচারের দাবিতে বিক্ষোভ
Browsing: Politics
Muhammad Abul Bashar: Upazila BNP joint convener AKM Harun Orr has been elected as the managing committee member of the Ishwarganj Municipal Market Traders Association in Mymensingh.
Pirgachha (Rangpur) Representative - In protest against the insult to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the sudden terrorist attack on the locals by the anti-Islamic organization Hizbut Tawheed...
Joypurhat District Representative: The two sides of the anti-discrimination student movement in Joypurhat have held opposing programs. The anti-discrimination student movement, which has a place in the Joypurhat committee,…
Muh. Mizanur Rahman Badal, Manikganj: After the fall of Sheikh Hasina's government in the mass uprising of students against discrimination, Awami League and...
Maruf Sarkar, report: The BNP field is changing. Hybrids are emerging. He was not in the field of movement, but was also facing lawsuits, attacks, and torture...
Limon Mia, Sarishabari (Jamalpur) Representative, a member of Ward No. 3, has taken charge as the panel chairman of Pogaldigha Union Parishad No. 2 in Sarishabari Upazila of Jamalpur.
Thakurgaon Correspondent: Union BNP leader Zubaidur has been accused of brutally attacking journalist Mamun, a correspondent for Daily Deshbangla in Thakurgaon. Later, journalist Mamun was rescued from the scene in a serious condition and admitted to the hospital. The incident took place in the evening of Tuesday (February 25) at Kalibari Bazar in Akhanagar Union of Sadar Upazila. At that time, journalists of Thakurgaon immediately held a one-hour sit-in program in front of the hospital in protest of the incident. They demanded the immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the attackers. According to local sources, Mamun was staying at a tea shop in the market in the evening. A while later, Akhanagar Union BNP Vice-President Zubaidur Chowdhury and his terrorist force launched an ambush on Mamun. Before he could understand anything, the attackers brutally beat him and strangled him with the intention of killing him. At one stage, Mamun fell to the ground after being kicked in his testicles. The brutal physical torture that lasted for about 30 minutes has been strongly condemned by journalists and activists and the culprits should be brought to justice as soon as possible. When asked about the reason for the attack, injured journalist Mamun Or Rashid said, "A few months ago, I had filed an extortion report against him. He almost threatened me on the phone. Today, he attacked me with the intention of killing me. I survived because I was alive. I demand exemplary punishment." Accused BNP leader Zubaidur Chowdhury confirmed the attack and said, "He had written a post about me on Facebook. Since then, I asked him to meet me. He did not meet me. Today, I found him in the market and then he was beaten up. However, his courage has been reduced." Journalist leaders said, such a brutal attack on a journalist is unacceptable in any way. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir's constituency is Thakurgaon-1 Sadar constituency. If we journalists are not safe in their area, how will journalists from other districts be safe? The party will definitely take action against him. They also said that the culprits should be brought to justice quickly. Attacks on journalists are not desirable in any way. Whoever is the culprit, they should be brought to justice quickly and punished. Ruhia Thana BNP President Jabbar said, "Mamun is a good boy. The attack on him is unfortunate. We will take appropriate action in this regard." Dr. Md. Rakibul Alam, Resident Medical Officer of Thakurgaon General Hospital, said that journalist Mamun has injury marks on his body. There is a mark on his neck. In this regard, Ruhia Thana Officer-in-Charge (OC) AKM Nazmul Quader said, "We have been informed about the attack. Necessary action will be taken if we receive a complaint." Nazmul Hossain Ranishankail Thakurgaon
Shahjahan Ali Manon, Nilphamari District Correspondent: Jubo League leader Md. Golam Rubayet Mintu (45) was arrested in a police operation in Saidpur, Nilphamari…
Monowar Babu, Ghoraghat (Dinajpur) Correspondent: Two Awami League leaders have been arrested in a case filed against them for attacking a student movement march against discrimination in Ghoraghat, Dinajpur.
Satyajit Das (Moulvibazar Correspondent): BNP National Executive Committee member and former Finance and Planning Minister M Saifur Rahman's eldest son M...
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