- ফুলছড়িতে ১০ বছরের শিশুকে ধর্ষণের অভিযোগে ৭৫ বছরের বৃদ্ধ গ্রেপ্তার
- বেনাপোলে আমদানি-রফতানি কমলেও রাজস্ব আয় ও রফতানি মূল্যে বৃদ্ধি
- হবিগঞ্জে পোস্টমাস্টারের বিরুদ্ধে নারী কর্মচারীর সঙ্গে অসদাচরণের অভিযোগ
- ধলদাহ গ্রামে বিএনপি নেতা নূর হোসেনের ইন্তেকাল, জানাজায় শোকের মাতম
- শিশুদের ঝগড়াকে কেন্দ্র করে সিলেটের কানাইঘাটে প্রবাসী খুন
- ফ্যাসিস্ট শাসন ব্যবস্থার কারণে সমাজে অপরাধের প্রবণতা বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে:মাওলানা আবুল কালাম আজাদ
- পাইকগাছায় বিষপানে গৃহবধূর আত্মহত্যা
- হরিপুরে হিসাবরক্ষণ অফিসে ঘুষ লেনদেনের সময় দুদকের হাতে দুই জন আটক
Browsing: Politics
Sadrul Ain: It is going to debut under the leadership of former advisor to the interim government Nahid Islam and member secretary of the National Citizens Committee Akhtar Hossain…
Sadrul Ain: Shipping and Labor Advisor Brigadier General (Retd.) M Sakhawat Hossain said that Army Chief General Waqar-uz-Zaman gave his speech with understanding.…
Sadrul Ain: The minimum reforms to repair the state must be completed quickly and elections acceptable to all must be held to return to a democratic system…
He called for the speedy completion of minimum reforms to repair the state and holding elections acceptable to all in order to return to a democratic system...
Muhammad Abul Bashar: The leaders of the Ishwarganj Upazila BNP and Municipal BNP committees in Mymensingh were welcomed by party members with flower garlands. Ishwarganj…
Shahadat Babu, Noakhali correspondent: A Qatari expatriate named Shamsul Huda Rakib (34) was kidnapped, held captive, beaten and extorted in cash in Companiganj, Noakhali.
Sadrul Ain: BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman has alleged that an attempt is being made to create a smokescreen for the elections. On Thursday (February 27)…
Sadrul Ain: An extended meeting of the BNP has started at 11 am on Thursday (February 27) at the ground adjacent to the LD Hall of the National Parliament Building. In this…
Jamiul Islam Turan, Shantiganj (Sunamganj) Correspondent: Press conference protest demanding the cancellation of the newly formed convening committee of the Shantiganj Upazila BNP in Sunamganj…
The event took place at 11 am on Thursday (February 27) at the grounds adjacent to the LD Hall of the National Parliament Building. It attracted about four thousand participants from all over the country.
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Publisher: Anwar Murad
Editor: Mo Rashidul Islam (Rashed Manik)
Office- House-164/1, Road-3, Muhammadia Housing Limited, Muhammadpur, Dhaka.Mobile-01915-098961 Email: bangla.fm2020@gmail.com