Staff Reporter:
The 4-day annual Urs Sharif of the world saint Shah Sufi Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Hasmatullah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi “Quddesa Sirrahul Aziz” (Quds. A.S.) Saheb has begun today (Saturday) at the Atrashi Bishwa Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif in Sadarpur Upazila of Faridpur. On the occasion of Urs, the entire area is now filled with the sounds of Allahu Akbar Takbir and the footsteps of lakhs of people from home and abroad.
On the occasion of Urs Sharif, a huge area has been prepared for the Jakerans, including a pandal, ablution facilities, a food court, a sewage system, accommodation for women, a field for car parking, construction of gates for various departments, security arrangements, painting work on the walls, separate tents have been built for the accommodation of other religious followers, and emergency medical services have been provided. In addition, law enforcement agencies are engaged in overall security.
Yesterday, Friday, after the Jumma prayers, the main formalities of the Urs began with the hoisting of the flag after visiting the shrine of Khaja Baba Faridupuri, said M. M Shahidul Islam Shahin, coordinator of Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif. He also said that already, the world Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif has been filled with devotees of different religions including Zakerans, Ashekans from different parts of the country.
Kamrul Hasan of the IT department said that more than 200 CCTV cameras and watch towers have been installed in the Darbar Sharif area. Extensive security measures have been taken. He added that in addition to Darbar Sharif's own volunteers, additional police from Faridpur have been deployed along with Sadarpur police.
It is known that in 1354, the first Urs Sharif was started by Pir Khaja Baba Faridpuri of Bishwa Zaker Manzil Darbar Sharif. Since then, the annual Urs Sharif has been held every year.
Zakerans will be engaged in the religious rituals of the Tariqa along with Milad Mahfil, Zikir Askar, Farz, Sunnah and Nafl worship, and the recitation of the Kalam of the Ojifa Kalam. The annual Urs Sharif of Zaker Manzil will end on Tuesday, February 18, after Fajr Akheri Munajat.
Tanvir Tuhin
Staff Reporter