- উপকূলীয় শহর লাতাকিয়া ও টারটৌসে প্রাণঘাতী সংঘর্ষ
- জুলাই গণহত্যা মামলায় তিন পুলিশ কর্মকর্তা গ্রেপ্তার
- আইসিসি চ্যাম্পিয়ন্স ট্রফি ২০২৫ ফাইনাল: নিউজিল্যান্ডকে চার উইকেটে হারিয়ে চ্যাম্পিয়ন ভারত! 🏆🇮🇳
- নিউজিল্যান্ডকে উড়িয়ে শিরোপা পুনরুদ্ধার করলো ভারত
- পলাশবাড়ীতে গৃহবধু ধর্ষণের শিকার থানায় মামলা
- গোবিন্দগঞ্জ উপজেলাবাসী পেল ঢাকাগামী আন্তঃনগর ট্রেনের যাত্রাবিরতি
- পলাশবাড়ীতে অবৈধ ইটভাটায় লোক দেখানো অভিযান
- মোতজুমদ্দিনের যৌথ বাহিনীর অভিযানে ইউপি চেয়ারম্যান আটক
Month: February 2025
Rajshahi Correspondent: A protest march and street meeting were held in Puthia, Rajshahi, in protest against the month-long program of the Awami League and Chhatra League. On Monday afternoon…
Kamrul Hasan Kajal, Habiganj Correspondent: A man named Emdadul Islam Rocky (34) was killed while trying to sell rice belonging to the poor in the black market in Baniachang, Habiganj.
Monir Hossain, Benapole Correspondent: - BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said, addressing the advisors of the interim government, that if they want to stay in the government...
Gaibandha Representative Organizing a meeting with mothers and guardians to increase student attendance and improve the quality of education to improve the quality of education...
Muh. Mizanur Rahman Badal, Manikganj: I am speaking to you in the language in which I heard the call of mother. To keep the memory of Shaheed Rafiq...
Ataur Rahman Kawsar, Osmaninagar (Sylhet) Representative:: A large-scale indoor sports center has been inaugurated in Osmaninagar. Yesterday, Tuesday afternoon, at Goalabazar in the upazila…
Barisal Correspondent: A BNP leader led a protest in Jangalpatri village of Mahilara Union in Gournadi Upazila of Barisal over the issue of dominance and extortion.
Pirezpur Correspondent: A rally and protest march were held in Pirezpur demanding the early release of jailed Jamaat-e-Islami central leader ATM Azharul Islam.
Jhalakathi Correspondent: The party has also held a protest march and rally in Jhalakathi demanding the release of former Jamaat Secretary General ATM Azharul Islam. The city's Press Club…
Shabbir Elahi, Kamalganj (Moulvibazar) Correspondent: A group of miscreants is illegally extracting sand from the Dhalai River near Jasmatpur village in Kamalganj upazila of Moulvibazar.
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Publisher: Anwar Murad
Editor: Mo Rashidul Islam (Rashed Manik)
Office- House-164/1, Road-3, Muhammadia Housing Limited, Muhammadpur, Dhaka.Mobile-01915-098961 Email: bangla.fm2020@gmail.com