- পাইকগাছায় বাল্য বিবাহ থেকে রক্ষা পেল অষ্টম শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থী
- সমালোচনার মুখে স্কুলে ভর্তিতে ৫ শতাংশ কোটা বাতিল
- কালাইয়ে দুটি বাল্যবিয়ে বন্ধ করলেন ইউএনও
- তারেক রহমানের সারা বিশ্বে একই দিনে মুসলিমদের ইবাদত: প্রস্তাবনা, সমস্যা ও সম্ভাবনা
- নড়াইলে রমজান মাসে বাজার মনিটরিং শুরু করছেন ইউএনও সঞ্চিতা বিশ্বাস
- নদী থেকে বস্তা বাঁধা লাশ উদ্ধার
- জনকল্যাণে কাজ করাই বিএনপির মূল লক্ষ্য : আমিনুল হক
- আধুনিক তুর্কি ড্রোনে বাংলাদেশ সীমান্তে নজরদারি করছে: ভারতীয় সংবাদ সংস্থা এএনআই
Month: February 2025
Barisal Correspondent. There have been allegations of vandalism at the office of the Public Rights Council in Gournadi. The Barisal district branch of the Public Rights Council has been …
(Barisal) Representative: Several people have been arrested in the government Toha Bazar land in Niyamati Bazar of Bakerganj Upazila of Barisal, ignoring government rules and regulations and administrative restrictions.
Saiful Islam, Baufal (Patuakhali) Correspondent Police have arrested 5 people in Operation Davy Hunt in Baufal upazila of Patuakhali. The arrested people are members of the Awami League, Swechchhasebak League, and banned…
Saiful Islam, Baufal (Patuakhali) Representative Members of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement held a torchlight procession and road blockade program in Baufal, Patuakhali. In Gazipur…
Ripon Marma Rangamati "Come change the country, change the world" was organized by the Rangamati Kaptai Upazila administration on Monday (February 10) with the slogan...
Sustainable Development Dialogue ''Business Beyond Borders'' to be held in Sylhet on 12 February 2025
Shahidul Islam, Sylhet. Bangladesh-Europe Bangladesh Federation of Commerce and Industry (EBFCI) initiated the ''Dialogue on Sustainable Development between Europe and Bangladesh'' border…
Memorandum of Understanding signed between International Standard University (ISU) and Universal Medical College Hospital
Mohammad Masud Majumder: A memorandum of understanding has been signed between International Standard University (ISU) and Universal Medical College Hospital.…
Saghata, Fulchhari Correspondent: The Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) family card registration complex allotted to Fancy Begum of Ward No. 1 of Bharatkhali Union has not received the smart card. Now she is worried about whether she will get oil and sugar or not. How will the family survive the upcoming Ramadan is the biggest concern now. Like Fancy, about 2427 poor people of the upazila are in trouble because they have not received the smart card due to the family card registration complex. While the registration complex is less in other unions, the number is more in Bharatkhali Union of the upazila. Meanwhile, dissatisfaction has arisen in 10 unions of the upazila due to the family card registration complex. When searching the TCB dashboard with the NID or mobile number of the victims, the registration has not been done and it is not possible to correct it…
Staff Reporter Abdus Salam Molla. In Faridpur, Charbhadrasan Upazila administration initiated a "Youth Day" campaign with the slogan "Come change the country, change the world".
6 arrested in devil hunt operation in Gauripur
Md. Humayun Kabir, Gouripur Correspondent: Gouripur police have arrested six people, including one, in a devil hunt operation in Gouripur, Mymensingh. On Sunday night…
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Editor: Mo Rashidul Islam (Rashed Manik)
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