- উপদেষ্টা পরিষদে আসছে নতুন মুখ, বুধবার শপথ
- শৃঙ্খলা ভঙ্গের দায়ে উজিরপুর উপজেলা কৃষক দলের সাধারন সম্পাদক বহিষ্কার
- “সম্মিলিত নন-এমপিও ঐক্য পরিষদ’’ এর উদ্যোগে শিক্ষকদের লাগাতার অবস্থান
- পাইকগাছায় বাল্য বিবাহ থেকে রক্ষা পেল অষ্টম শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থী
- সমালোচনার মুখে স্কুলে ভর্তিতে ৫ শতাংশ কোটা বাতিল
- কালাইয়ে দুটি বাল্যবিয়ে বন্ধ করলেন ইউএনও
- তারেক রহমানের সারা বিশ্বে একই দিনে মুসলিমদের ইবাদত: প্রস্তাবনা, সমস্যা ও সম্ভাবনা
- নড়াইলে রমজান মাসে বাজার মনিটরিং শুরু করছেন ইউএনও সঞ্চিতা বিশ্বাস
Month: February 2025
Two Pacific factories in Chittagong suddenly closed, 20 injured in clash between two groups of workers Pacific factories in Chittagong EPZ did not accept the demands of the workers...
Satyajit Das (Moulvibazar Correspondent): The Department of Environment, Sylhet Divisional Office has taken action against anti-environmental activities in various areas of Moulvibazar. Cutting of dunes and illegal…
PABIPROBI Correspondent: Law enforcement officers have arrested Mashiur Rahman Babu (27), the former vice-president of the banned organization Chhatra League at Patuakhali Science and Technology University.
The main elements of Islamic philosophy Islamic philosophy is a school of thought based on the fundamental teachings of Islam, which includes faith, morality,…
Monowar Babu, Ghoraghat (Dinajpur) Correspondent: Dinajpur Ghoraghat Upazila Nationalist Jubo Dal members held a joyous procession welcoming the new committee in the district.
Khetlal seed potato results exhibition held
Joypurhat District Representative: A demonstration of the results of Uddipan seed potatoes was held at the field in Joypurhat. Yesterday, February 9 at 5 pm, Borail of the upazila…
Dhaka and Barisal divisions face off in the final of the T20 cricket tournament in Kaliakoir
Md. Nasim Kabir Roni, Kaliakoir Correspondent: The grand final match of the T20 cricket tournament organized by Purbachandra Sporting Club was held in Kaliakoir, Gazipur.…
Mir Imran - Madaripur Correspondent: In Madaripur, Shibchar, auto van driver Md. Mizan Gazi, in the pursuit of life, crashed his auto van on Thursday afternoon, as usual.
Maruf Sarkar, Reporter: Dr. Kritisantan of Dinajpur has been elected as the Joint General Secretary of the Bangladesh Nationalist Zia Cultural Organization (JUSAS) Central Committee.
Sixth Upazila Kab Campuri 2025 inaugurated in Kaukhali
Pirojpur Correspondent: A five-day long festival was organized by the Kaukhali Upazila administration of Pirojpur on Monday, February 10 afternoon at the grounds of the KG Union Government Boys School in the upazila.
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Publisher: Anwar Murad
Editor: Mo Rashidul Islam (Rashed Manik)
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