- স্কয়ার ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালসের ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক তপন চৌধুরীর ১৫ লাখ শেয়ার কেনার পরিকল্পনা
- রাজধানীর বসুন্ধরায় ‘মব’ তৈরি করে দুই ইরানি নাগরিকসহ তিনজনকে মারধর
- চট্টগ্রামের সাতকানিয়ায় গণপিটুনিতে দুই জামায়াত কর্মী নিহত
- যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সহায়তা বন্ধ হলে, মাত্র কয়েক মাসের জন্য টিকতে পারবে ইউক্রেনের প্রতিরক্ষা
- আরব নেতারা ট্রাম্পের গাজা পরিকল্পনার বিকল্প হিসেবে ৫৩ বিলিয়ন ডলারের পরিকল্পনা অনুমোদন করলেন
- ‘বাংলা এফএম’ এ সংবাদ প্রকাশের পর সিংগাইর থানার সেই আলোচিত ওসি জাহিদুল ইসলাম জাহাঙ্গীর ক্লোজ
- রাজস্থলীতে পাথর বোঝাই ট্রাক নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারিয়ে খাদে
- বাকেরগঞ্জে ফলের বাজারে ভ্রাম্যমান আদালতের অভিযান
Month: February 2025
The access road to the Parishad building has not been built in Sherpur Hatibandha Union even in its 32 years of existence.
The access road to the parishad building of Hatibandha Union in Jhenaigati, Sherpur, has not been built in 32 years. As a result, the parishad's activities are disrupted and the service recipients are facing extreme hardship.
Saiful Islam, Baufal (Patuakhali) Representative: In Baufal, Patuakhali, 8,503 hectares of local varieties, including 20 hectares of Chaita Boro, have been cultivated this year.
Sadarpur (Faridpur) Correspondent: Police have arrested 3 people, including leaders of Awami League and Chhatra League, in Sadarpur, Faridpur during an operation called Operation Devil Hunt. On Wednesday (12…
2 arrested in Devil Hunt operation in Balaganj
Ataur Rahman Kawsar, Balaganj Correspondent: On the second day of Operation Devil Hunt in Balaganj, Sylhet, an Awami League leader and a member of a banned student organization were arrested.
River Protection, Environment and Forest Development Committee meeting held in Ujirpur along with monthly meeting
Ujirpur Barisal Correspondent: In Ujirpur, Barisal, a law and order committee meeting was held at the initiative of the upazila administration, a monthly meeting was held at the initiative of the upazila council, and an upazila river protection committee was held.
Shahjahan Ali Manon, Saidpur (Nilphamari) Correspondent: Mohila League leader Bobby became the second victim in Saidpur, Nilphamari, in the operation called Operation Devil Hunt. On Wednesday…
Two farmers die of electrocution in Sherpur
Lalmohammed Kibria: Two farmers died after being electrocuted in Chattarkandi village of Bajitkhila union in Sherpur. On Wednesday (February 12) around 8 am, they were accidentally electrocuted…
Sylhet: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Sunamganj participated with students in the restoration of Tanguar Haor, the country's second largest wetland under the Ramsar project. Biodiversity…
Joyful procession in Kapasia congratulating BNP committee
Kapasia (Gazipur) Correspondent: SM Masud Gazipur District BNP's Partial Convening Committee thanks BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman for approving...
Hindus take holy Ganga bath in Madhukhali
Bidhan Mandal (Faridpur) Correspondent: The holy Ganges bath of the followers of traditional religion was held with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm in Madhukhali, Faridpur. On Wednesday (February 12) morning…
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Publisher: Anwar Murad
Editor: Mo Rashidul Islam (Rashed Manik)
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